Teaching Profession Opinion

Teaching Roundup

By Alexander Russo — April 24, 2007 1 min read
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Thanks to contributor Regina Matthews for digging up these interesting articles about teachers and teaching:

Teachers: The Next Generation PEN NewsBlast
Generation Y, the 40 million people born between 1977 and 1986, is dramatically changing the composition of today’s teaching staffs.

Union Influence on NCLB EdWeek

A Q&A with Joel Packer, chief NCLB lobbyist for the NEA and Antonia Cortese, EVP for the AFT, with moderator Kevin Bushweller

Teacher Contracts: Restoring the Balance PEN NewsBlast
Teacher contracts reflect an earlier era in America: the age of the rise of industrial unions, according to The Education Partnership.

Degree Drought Indianapolis Business Journal
Why can’t two-year public institutions turn out more students?

Obit: Marie Clay, Proponent of Early Reading Help, Dies at 81 Canton Repository
Clay’s methods eventually became known as “Reading Recovery” and spread to other countries.

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