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Classroom Q&A

With Larry Ferlazzo

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to lferlazzo@epe.org. Read more from this blog.

Teaching Opinion

All Classroom Q&A Posts on the Coronavirus Crisis

By Larry Ferlazzo — April 20, 2020 6 min read
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I’ve obviously been posting a lot of tips from teachers who are dealing with the school closure crisis, and sharing my own, as well.

And there’s a lot more to come, including a video where I talk about doing remote teaching with English-language learners, and several other series appearing in the next several weeks, including ones on:

* Reports on what has worked and not worked after one month of remote teaching

* Reflections from students on how they would evaluate their distance-learning experiences

* Specific posts on teaching literacy, math, science, and social studies remotely

I thought readers might find it helpful if I brought all these past and future posts into one place. I’ll also add the upcoming links.

*What Does Blended Learning Look Like in a Distance Learning Environment?

Four educators share their experiences of blended learning. They suggest elements needed to make it work in remote teaching such as emphasizing relationship-building and minimizing the number of online tools.

* Blended Learning in the Age of COVID-19

Three educators share how they are adapting the principles of “blended learning” to the COVID-19 environment, including through involving community members and using a “flipped” classroom.

* Strategies for Online Instruction

Six educators share tips for teaching virtually, including making time to connect personally with each student and emphasizing collaborative work.

* Twenty Tips for Online Instruction

Three educators offer tips for online instruction, ranging from keeping videos short (3-5 minutes) to laying out an agenda at the beginning of each class.

* Strategies for Engaging Students in ‘Meaningful’ Online Learning Experiences

Four educators share instructional strategies for online instruction, including adapting face-to-face techniques like “think-pair-share” and “learning stations.”

*'Teachers Need to Focus on What We Can Control This Year’

Two teacher guest contributors and I highlight lessons that we learned in the spring, including emphasizing what we can control and not worrying (much) about what is outside of it.

*'Making Personal Connections’ Will Be Key This School Year

Four educators share how they are going to apply lessons they learned in the spring to this new school year, including by reaching out to students as well as to parents.

*Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey (co-authors of “The Distance Learning Playbook”), Dr. Isabel Morales, and Kiera Beddes share lessons they have learned from the spring, including the need for “empathetic feedback” and community-building.

*'Don’t Forget to Breathe’ During Distance Learning

Five educators share recommendations for effective distance learning, including limiting the number of online tools teachers use with students and not assuming that caregivers will be around to help with schoolwork.

*Collaborate With Colleagues to Make It Through This School Year

Wrapping up this series on the dos and don’ts of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, three educators suggest such strategies as creating online and offline content and embracing uncertainty.

*Now Is the Time to Address Education’s ‘Most Pressing Equity Issues’

Two educators call for schools to use this time of crisis to focus on equity issues like desegregation and community involvement.

*Teachers Should ‘Give Everyone Some Grace’ This Fall

Three teachers offer colleagues suggestions for this fall, including showing “grace” to students, parents, and themselves and emphasizing flexibility.

*Dos & Don’ts of Teaching in a COVID-19 Environment

Four educators share instructional recommendations for the pandemic-influenced fall, including setting boundaries and showing patience.

*Start the Year With a ‘Primary Focus’ on Relationship-Building

Four educators share ideas on how to start a pandemic-effect school year, including by organizing scavenger hunts and having students share and write captions for their favorite photos.

*Steps to Make Your Students Feel Welcome This Fall

Three teachers explain how they are going to start the COVID-19-affected new school year, including by sending videos or letters to students before classes begin.

*Classroom Activities to Start Your Online or Hybrid New Year Strong

Katie Hull Synieski and I share a book excerpt offering ideas on building relationships as our online or hybrid school year begins, including question starters and “show-and-tell” activities.

Video: Tips For New Teachers This Fall

A Superintendent Explains Why Having to Decide About Fall Reopening Is the ‘Absolute Worst’

Visions for the Next School Year

Schools Should Be ‘Community Connecters’ When They Reopen

Fall Is a ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Reimagine School’

Videos: Student-Motivation Tips for Remote Learning

A Superintendent’s Thoughts on Reopening Schools in the Fall

Nine Ways to End This Crazy School Year Strong

Adapting Social Studies for Remote Teaching

We Might Have Gotten Remote Learning Wrong. We Can Still Fix This School Year

Social Studies Instruction in the Age of the Coronavirus

What Students Are Really Thinking About Online Learning

Science Instruction in the Age of the Coronavirus

‘Challenges, Curiosity, Creativity, & Community’ in the Online Science Classroom

‘Less Is More’ in Math Distance Learning

How to Assess Students’ Math Skills Remotely

Student: Online Learning Is ‘Stressful and Irritating’

Math Instruction in the Age of the Coronavirus

‘I Am Doing My Best’ - Teaching Math During the School Closure Crisis

‘My Online Learning Experience as a Student Is Not so Good’

Students Reflect on Their Distance Learning Experiences

What We’ve Learned From 30 Days of Distance Learning

Five Ways to Differentiate Instruction in an Online Environment

Seven Ways to Support ELLs in Online Content Classes

Black Students Need Love Shown Through Action Right Now

Assessing the Needs of Black Students During the Coronavirus Crisis

Six Weeks Into Remote Teaching & Still Learning ...

Teacher Reflections After a Month of Distance Learning

‘We Do the Best We Can’ - Lessons From Six Weeks of Remote Teaching

Four Ways to Support African American Students Through the COVID-19 Emergency

Visualization of ‘Tips for Remote Teaching With ELL Students’

Encouraging Student Engagement in Remote Learning

Supporting African American Students During the School Closure Crisis

Video: ‘Tips for Remote Teaching With ELL Students’

Six Ways Educators Can Support LGBTQ Students During COVID-19

Reading & Writing Instruction in the Age of the Coronavirus

Spanish-Language Infographic: ‘7 Tips for Parents Supporting Remote Learning’

Visualization of ‘7 Tips for Parents Supporting Remote Learning’

Infographic: ‘7 Tips for Parents Supporting Remote Learning’

Ways to Handle Student Absences in Remote Teaching & When We’re Back in School

Helping ELLs Succeed in Distance Learning

Infographic: ‘7 Tips for Remote Teaching’

Four Ways to Help Students Feel Intrinsically Motivated to Do Distance Learning

Responding to Absenteeism During the Coronavirus Pandemic & Beyond

Strategies to Support Some of Our Most Vulnerable Students Through Distance Learning

Video: ‘7 Tips for Parents Supporting Remote Learning

Five Ways to Boost Student Participation in Remote Learning

Overcoming Apathy in Remote Teaching

Three Podcasts Supporting Teachers During the Coronavirus

Video: ‘7 Tips for Remote Teaching

Teacher Reflections on the School Closure Emergency

Building a ‘Sense of Community’ Online Among Teachers & Students

Instructional Coaching During the Coronavirus Crisis

Assisting Students With Unique Needs as Schools Close Down

The Do’s & Don’ts of a Quick Switch to Remote Learning

Supporting Multilingual Learners ‘Through the Storm’ of COVID-19

What Is and Is Not Working as Educators Transition to Online Learning

Ten Strategies for Teaching English-Language Learners Online

Ways Educators Are Responding to School Closures

Teachers Share Their Online-Teaching Plans

Strategies for Teaching Online in the Age of the Coronavirus

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Instruction Opinion

The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.