Read more about the teachers' experiences in schools
The State of Teaching
New national data on the teaching profession, vivid reporting from classrooms, and resources to help support this essential profession.
Teaching Profession
The One Quality That Every Great Teacher Shares
A lot has changed during my two decades as a teacher, but one thing is just as true as it was on my first day.
Teaching Profession
Public Trust in Elementary School Teachers Declines—But Still Tops Most Other Professions
Elementary school teachers second only to nurses in a poll of most-trusted professions.
Teaching Profession
Teachers, Do You Check Your Work Email on Snow Days?
We know how students feel about snow days. But how do teachers see them?
Teaching Profession
The State of Teaching
Teachers and Administrators at Odds Over Extra Job Duties
The perception coincides with teachers' low levels of job satisfaction.
I Left the Classroom to Be a Horror Writer. Teaching Was Good Preparation
I loved my job, but not the conditions. Fiction writing helped me face my fears.
How 3 Top Math Teachers Nurture Students’ Ability to Tackle Challenge
Education Week spoke with three award-winning teachers about how they help students persevere in the math classroom.
Teaching Profession
The Holiday Gifts Teachers Actually Want (Hint: Skip the Mugs)
We asked educators what they actually want from students for the holidays.
Teaching Profession
The Top 10 Slang Terms Teachers Never Want to Hear Again, Explained
A quick guide to student slang that teachers love to hate.
What Teachers Are Saying About the Lawsuit Against Lucy Calkins and Fountas and Pinnell
Educators on social media had lots to say about the lawsuit filed against the creators of popular reading programs.
Teaching Profession
In Their Own Words
Why This Teacher Fought Back Against a Law Curbing Teachers' Unions
A high school social studies teacher talks about why he joined the lawsuit against Wisconsin's Act 10.
Professional Development
Is Bluesky the New Twitter for Teachers?
Educators are trying out social media app Bluesky for building and maintaining their professional learning networks.
School & District Management
From Our Research Center
What Worries Educators Most? It Depends on Their Jobs
Teachers, principals, and district leaders are losing sleep—just over different things.
Teaching Profession
Teaching Is Hard. Why Teachers Love It Anyway
Teachers share their favorite parts of the job.
Teaching Profession
Cold and Flu and Walking Pneumonia, Oh My! How Teachers Can Stay Healthy This Winter
Teachers are more vulnerable than other professions to colds and the flu. Experts talk about how to stay healthy.