Education news, analysis, and opinion about classroom learning and curricula that focus on science, technology, engineering, and math
African-american schoolgirl pupil student using working with microscope at biology chemistry lesson class at school lab. STEM concept.
Future of Work STEM Jobs Aren’t Students’ First Choice. More Hands-On Experiences Could Help, Experts Say
Lack of exposure to STEM concepts may be contributing to the disconnect, according to the report.
Lauraine Langreo, December 18, 2023
3 min read
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Families & the Community Webinar
STEM, Your Classroom, and Community: Fostering Connections, Engagement, and Outreach
Discover the magic of community engagement in STEM education! Elevate teaching, engage students, and open doors to real-world experiences.
Content provided by Project Lead The Way
This content is provided by our sponsor. It is not written by and does not necessarily reflect the views of Education Week's editorial staff.
Science Webinar
Joy and STEM: Igniting Creativity and Curiosity in Your Pre K-5 Classroom
Get ready for hands-on activities and innovative teaching approaches that will spark students’ passion for STEM subjects.
Content provided by Project Lead The Way
College & Workforce Readiness Spotlight Spotlight on Career Readiness for STEM
This Spotlight will help you identify the math skills students need for high-demand careers, spark student interest in STEM, and more.

October 16, 2023
Group photo of: Holly Warren, Kirstin Milks, Karen Jepson-Innes, Kiefer Kettenis, Emma Shaw
Bloomington High School South's Samsung Solve for Tomorrow student team showcased their Temp Mural project at the Wonderlab Museum ceremony, where they unveiled a mural art piece created with highly reflective, climate-positive barium sulfate paint, aimed at mitigating the effects of global warming. Left to right:<br/>• Holly Warren, interim director of economic and sustainable development at the City of Bloomington<br/>• Kirstin Milks, science teacher at Bloomington High School South<br/>• Karen Jepson-Innes, Executive Director, WonderLab Museum of Science and Technology<br/>• Kiefer Kettenis, Temp Mural team member<br/>• Emma Shaw, Temp Mural team member
Garrett Ann Walters
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Science Sponsor
The Future of STEM Education is Social Impact
In today’s world where so many different elements of the news and of our culture are competing for students’ attention, one of the hardest...
Content provided by Samsung
College & Workforce Readiness Spotlight Spotlight on Career Readiness & Technology
This Spotlight will help you learn about workforce readiness after-school programs, the benefits of virtual work-based learning, and more.
September 15, 2023
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Classroom Technology Webinar
Transforming Your STEM Classroom: AI and Technology In Action
Elevate STEM education with AI! Join our webinar to discover personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and intelligent tutoring systems powered by AI.
Content provided by Project Lead The Way
Students from MC2 STEM High School in Cleveland critique their classmates’ projects for an event that blends STEM and art on March 16, 2017.
Students critique their classmates’ projects for an event that blends STEM and art in Cleveland on March 16, 2017.
Allison Shelley for All4Ed
Science Q&A How High School Students Are Making STEM Education Accessible for Younger Kids
Team STEAM is a program where high school students help elementary students develop STEM skills.
Lauraine Langreo, July 25, 2023
3 min read
Photo of students working on computer boards.
E+ / Getty
Future of Work Students Want STEM Careers, But Think Schools Are Doing a ‘Poor Job’ Preparing Them
Nearly all survey respondents said preparing students for STEM jobs is important.
Lauraine Langreo, July 20, 2023
3 min read
robotics classroom with young african american student wearing VR
Future of Work What 3 After-School Programs Are Doing to Prepare Kids for the Future of Work
After-school programs offer flexibility and time for hands-on learning to explore careers.
Lauraine Langreo, July 17, 2023
6 min read
The view over the shoulder of a high school student while he is holding a drone with the camera image showing on a laptop sitting on a nearby chair.
Special Education To Prepare Students With Autism for the Working World, Drones Might Be a Good Start
Researchers are working with students to help them figure out how to navigate a workplace setting and explore STEM careers.
Alyson Klein, June 21, 2023
3 min read
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Science Sponsor
From players to creators: how game design is empowering students
Could teaching video game development help schools and colleges to level-up?  Frank Moody, education relations lead at GameMaker - a game development engine used by schools and colleges, believes now is the perfect time for educators to introduce video game development in classrooms.
Content provided by GameMaker
Pathogen Patrol is PLTW's first learning experience on Roblox, providing educators with innovative tools to help students enhance their critical thinking abilities, learn in unique ways, and work together in teams.
Pathogen Patrol is Project Lead the Way's first K-12 learning experience on Roblox, a virtual environment that is increasingly popular with kids. Nonprofit PLTW integrated it into its K-12 curricula to help students learn how the human body fights off infections.
Business Wire via AP
Curriculum Roblox Makes Its Move Into STEM Education. What Are the Risks for Schools?
Roblox counts 60 million daily users. Now it's pushing into K-12 schools—with the help of influential nonprofit partners.
Benjamin Herold, May 15, 2023
3 min read
Two Female College Students Building Machine In Science Robotics Or Engineering Class
Future of Work Q&A Trouble Getting Students Interested in STEM? These Teachers Figured It Out
Two teachers discuss how they use hands-on learning experiences and bring in professionals to spark students' interest in STEM.
Lauraine Langreo, April 21, 2023
4 min read