
Downloadable research reports on topics currently facing the education industry with findings, success stories, and best practices
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
Secrets to Mastering Successful High-Impact Tutoring for Unparalleled Results
A collection of essential questions and reflections exploring the intricacies of implementing high-impact tutoring, its significance, key...
Content provided by BookNook
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
Strategies for Sustaining High-impact Tutoring Post-ESSER
This white paper identifies 13 strategies to sustain high-impact tutoring beyond the expiration of federal emergency funds.
Content provided by Saga Education
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Early Childhood Whitepaper
Context is Everything: Reimagining Edtech for Early Learners
This paper aims to discuss the balance between online and hands-on learning as it relates to our youngest learners.
Content provided by Seesaw
Budget & Finance Whitepaper Costs, Concerns, & Calls for Clarity in K-12 Finance
The results of Allovue’s second annual Education Finance Survey suggest that educators are growing more concerned about their districts’ ...
April 10, 2024
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
Putting the Science of Reading into Practice
Dive into this playbook for expert advice on how to align assessments and instruction with the Science of Reading.
Content provided by Renaissance
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Assessment Whitepaper
Empowering World Language Learners: A Case Study for Improving Exam Experiences
Explore how NYCDOE's adoption of new World Languages standards for grades 7-12 reshapes assessment.
Content provided by TAO by Open Assessment Technologies
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Special Education Whitepaper
Inside IEP: Actionable Insights and Innovations for Student Support
Explore virtual solutions, educator burnout, parental support, and ways to create an inclusive learning environment.
Content provided by DotCom Therapy
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
Middle School Improves Critical Foundational Reading Skills
Students at Roosevelt Creative Corridor Business Academy who used WordFlight became more confident readers—and improved their reading scores.
Content provided by WordFlight
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Mathematics Whitepaper
Five Steps to a Successful Summer School Math Program
ORIGO has developed a guide to the five steps you can take to evaluate the resources you are going to use in your summer program, and hel...
Content provided by ORIGO Education
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
The Science of Reading: Build Independence for Life
Discover teaching strategies to enhance literacy for unique learners.
Content provided by n2y
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Assessment Whitepaper
Design for Improvement: The Case for a New Accountability System
Assessments in more frequent intervals provide useful feedback on what students actually study. New curriculum-aligned assessments can le...
Content provided by Cognia
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
Break Through MTSS Implementation Barriers Using Our Guide
You've identified students who aren't at grade level and have supports for them in place, but that doesn't guarantee success.
Content provided by n2y
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
The Power of Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction
Dive into reading development; the benefits of explicit, systematic, teacher-led instruction; and much more in n2y's white paper.
Content provided by n2y
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Curriculum Whitepaper
Media Literacy for the Digital Era: A Must-Have Guide
Equip educators and students with strategies to discern truth amidst misinformation and AI with practical strategies and interactive acti...
Content provided by Britannica Education