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Race to the Top Reaction: Lots of Questions

By Michele McNeil — November 12, 2009 1 min read
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A sampling of reaction from around the blogsphere on today’s release of final Race to the Top regulations:

Eduflack guesses that 4 or 5 states will win grants in Round 1 (heavily weighted toward the Gates states), with a dozen or so in Round 2.

Over at Flypaper, the very quotable Andy Smarick points out the absence of any mention of union contracts in the final regs, and laments the reform bar is now a little bit lower than it was in the first draft.

Neal McClusky at Cato@Liberty opines that these regs don’t actually do anything.

The always fiesty Jeanne Allen of the Center on Education Reform has perhaps one of my favorite Race to the Top tweets: @JeanneAllen Feeling dumped by Arne, who prefers the popular girl to the 1 with brains. RTT guidelines-u look & sound good = you win

And last but not least,’s finest weigh in.

District Dossier’s Lesli Maxwell raises the issue that even though California is home to hundreds of districts, just getting six of the biggest on board could be huge.

Teacher Beat’s Stephen Sawchuk points out how important definitions will be. Just how much is a “significant part” of something?

Sean Cavanagh over at Curriculum Matters duly notes that big coalitions of states will mean more when it comes to common standards than having a small coalition of states band together.

Catherine Gewertz at High School Connections connects the dots between Race to the Top and high school reform.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Politics K-12 blog.