It’s the long Thanksgiving weekend, and so natually I decided to write about what I am thankful for. I’m not going to write about the usual things I am (and should be) thankful for, such as my children, my health and my good friends. I try hard to be grateful for these things all year long and not just on this holiday.
Since this is a blog by leaders for leaders, I want you to think about the things you are thankful for in your leadership position. Maybe this is your first year as an administrator or maybe it’s your 30th year. It doesn’t matter. I am sure you can think of five things that you are thankful for.
Here is my list of five things I am thankful for while in this position:
1. Working with people who enjoy their job and have a positive attitude. Especially those folks who are over 40 and aren’t counting the years outloud until they can retire.
2. Connecting with kids. To be honest, I couldn’t work only with adults all day, every day. I need the challenges and rewards that kids bring.
3. Parents who are supportive and don’t leave us alone in the village to raise their child.
4. Creative and collaborative thinking that solves problems.
5. People who make me laugh. Really laugh. I couldn’t do this job if laughing was prohibited.
Ok, it’s your turn. What five things are you thankful for while in your leadership position?
Reggie Engebritson